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时间:2023-05-28 02:54来源:经典名言 作者:在线人生 点击:


1. May the love and commitment you share as you exchange your vows be blessed by God and last a lifetime.

2. On this special day, we ask God to bless your union and fill your lives together with love, joy, and happiness.

3. As you make your promises to each other before God and your loved ones, may His abounding grace and blessings guide you throughout your lives together.

4. May your love for one another deepen and grow stronger every day, and may God's light shine upon your paths as you journey through life together.

5. Congratulations on your wedding day! May God's love surround you both today and always.

6. May your marriage be blessed with love, joy, and peace, and may God be the foundation of your union.

7. Congratulations on finding each other and on your decision to enter into a lifelong commitment of love and faithfulness. May God bless your marriage.

8. May your love for each other be like the love of Christ for His Church - selfless, sacrificial, and constantly growing.

9. May the love you share today grow stronger with each passing year, and may your union be forever strengthened by the grace of God.

10. Congratulations on this special day! May the Lord bless your marriage and grant you a lifetime of love and happiness.

11. May the love you share today be a reflection of God's love for His children, and may your union be a testimony to His grace and faithfulness.

12. As you start your journey together, may God be the guide who leads you towards a lifetime of joy and fulfillment.

13. We pray that your wedding day is just the beginning of a blessed union full of love, respect, and devotion to one another.

14. On this blessed occasion, we ask God to fill your marriage with the warmth of His love and the abundance of His blessings.

15. May your wedding day be filled with the joy of God's presence, and may your marriage be a testament to His never-ending love.

16. As you join your lives together, we pray that God will bless your marriage with strength, faith, and joy.

17. May the love you share today be the foundation upon which you build a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment.

18. On your wedding day, we come together to ask God to bless your union and guide you on the path of a joy-filled marriage.

19. May the grace of God fill your hearts and your union with boundless love and happiness.

20. As you commit to love and cherish each other for eternity, we pray that God's love will be the source of strength and guidance on your journey together.

21. Congratulations on your wedding day! May God bless you both as you begin your new life together.

22. May your love be a shining example of God's love for His children, and may He bless your marriage with peace, joy, and abundant blessings.

23. As you walk down the aisle today, we come together to ask God to bless your union with His love, grace, and abundant blessings.

24. May the love you share today be like a flame that never fades, and may God's love be the fuel that keeps it burning forever.

25. As you exchange your vows today, we pray that God will bless your union with a love that knows no bounds.

26. May the Lord bless your marriage with a love that is patient, kind, and enduring, and may your commitment to each other be a reflection of His faithfulness.

27. On this special day, we ask God to bless your journey together and shower your marriage with His love and abundant blessings.

28. May your wedding day be the beginning of a beautiful journey of love and commitment, guided by God's love and grace.

29. As you make your vows to each other today, may God bless your union with a love that is pure, selfless, and true.

30. May your wedding day be marked by the presence of God's love and blessings, and may your marriage be a testament to His faithfulness and grace.

31. Congratulations on your wedding day! May God's love be the foundation of your union as you start your life together.

32. May the Lord bless your marriage with a love that overflows and a joy that knows no bounds.

33. As you exchange your vows today, we ask God to bless your union and guide you on a journey of love, faithfulness, and commitment.

34. May the love you share today be the beginning of a journey filled with joy, peace, and the goodness of God.

35. On your wedding day, we ask God to bless your union with a love that never fades and a joy that never ends.

36. May your love for each other be a reflection of God's love for His children, and may He bless your marriage with peace, joy, and abundant blessings.

37. As you exchange your vows today, we pray that God will bless your union with His love, grace, and abundant blessings.

38. May your journey together be marked by the love and faithfulness of God, and may your marriage be a testimony to His goodness and grace.

39. On your wedding day, may God bless your union with a love that is patient, kind, and enduring, and a commitment that is unwavering.

40. Congratulations on your wedding day! May God bless your marriage with a love that is pure, selfless, and true.

41. May the Lord bless your journey together with a love that overflows and a joy that knows no bounds.

42. As you exchange your vows today, we ask God to bless your union with His love and grace, and guide you on a journey of faithfulness and commitment.

43. May the love you share today be the beginning of a lifetime of joy, peace, and the blessings of God.

44. We come together today to ask God to bless your union with a love that never fades and a joy that is everlasting.

45. May your wedding day be marked by the presence of God's love and blessings, and may your marriage be a reflection of His faithfulness and grace.

46. May your commitment to each other be a reflection of the love of Christ for His Church, and may your union be forever strengthened by the grace of God.

47. As you start your new life together, we ask God to guide your steps, bless your journey, and fill your marriage with love, joy, and abundant blessings.

48. May the love you share today be a testament to the goodness and faithfulness of God, and may your marriage be a reflection of His love for His children.

49. May the Lord bless your union with a love that is patient, kind, and enduring, and a commitment that is unwavering.

50. On this special day, we ask God to bless your marriage with a love that is pure, selfless, and true, and guide you on a journey of faithfulness and commitment.


1. 祷愿我们天主教大家庭的子女,终能在天主面前成为真正的夫妇,愿你们的婚姻充满幸福和祝福。

2. 愿天主赐予新娘新郎快乐,爱情和和谐,使他们在彼此的陪伴以及天主的庇佑下,一起分享人生的美好。

3. 祝福新婚夫妇生活美满,相敬如宾,彼此宽恕,共同走过人生之路。

4. 愿天主显现在你们的家庭中,使你们的婚姻充满宽容和快乐。一起渡过患难和喜乐,永远携手前行。

5. 祷愿你们的婚姻像天主教徒对基督一样地虔诚和热情,给周围的人带来真诚和欢愉,成为彼此生命的支柱。

6. 愿这个充满神圣和生命的时刻,成为新娘和新郎初识天主的开始,让天主永远保佑你们,伴随你们成长。

7. 祷愿在你们的婚姻生活中,由爱所引领,以信仰为依托。愿你们一辈子凭借彼此的力量,勇敢地面对生活中的每一个时刻。

8. 愿天主赐予你们那份圣洁的恩宠,为你们注入力量和智慧,并在你们彼此相依时给予支持和保佑。

9. 愿这个婚礼不仅是你们人生浪漫的时刻,也是你们信仰和灵魂真正的联结,使你们疼爱彼此,灵魂升华。

10. 祷愿你们的婚姻生活中,如同你们的信仰一般坚定和持久,永远相爱,守护彼此。

11. 愿你们的婚姻生活永远像圣洁的圣餐一般,滋养你们的身心灵,并激起你们内心的爱与美好。

12. 祷愿你们的婚姻像圣母玛利亚那样富有美德和温柔,抱着对天主教的信仰和完整的爱彼此相伴。

13. 愿天主的慈爱伴随着你们,让你们在教会的怀抱中相互成就,彼此扶持。

14. 祝福你们的婚姻越过你们的生命中所有的困难和挑战,如同受难的主耶稣在十字架上一样,毫不犹豫,并默默地承担。

15. 愿你们的婚姻圣洁纯粹,如同诞生在圣母玛利亚怀中的基督一样,为他人带去光明和希望。

16. 祷愿你们在神的爱和祝福下,彼此相爱,忠于诺言,并以神的意志为导向。

17. 愿你们一生相爱,以圣洁和善良的心灵宣扬天主的魅力,并互相支持,直到永恒生命。

18. 祷愿天主加倍地赐予你们爱,给你们婚姻的力量加添蒸蒸日上的灵魂。

19. 愿你们像耶穌基督和教会一样相互爱戴,聆听圣灵的声音,为圣父而生活。

20. 祝福你们的婚姻生活能够相互信任,理解和宽恕,无论何时都能互相助力,为天主的荣耀而生活。

21. 愿你们的婚姻生活充满欢声笑语,恩宠和善良。愿天主赐予你们圣洁的恩赐,并在你们的生命中不断地祝福和保佑。

22. 祈愿你们的婚姻能够凭借天主的祝福,实现人生的愿望和所有的渴望。愿你们的梦想得以实现,相信圣父会为你们保佑每一个在人生旅程的阶段。

23. 愿你们的爱情如天主教大家庭的家人般的温暖,相互宽容和包容。

24. 祷愿你们的婚姻生活中备受慷慨和感恩的爱,无论是在爱情,友谊或互相支持上。

25. 愿基督耶稣为你们所赐的爱和平安能够弥漫在每一个日子里,使你们的婚姻更加稳定和坚定。

26. 祷愿在你们的婚姻中耶稣基督的爱洋溢,生命之花永不凋萎。

27. 愿你们的婚姻生活时刻面带微笑,向公义和慈善努力,让彼此成为真正的朋友,在信仰的带领下共同前行。

28. 祷愿你们的婚姻生活充满智慧和信仰,拥有好的举止和无私的奉献精神。

29. 愿耶稣和圣母玛利亚常在你们身边,勇敢地迈出信仰和人生的每一步,并时刻保持身心清晰的愿望、信念和慈悲之心。

30. 祈求慈悲之主永远保佑你们,愿你们的婚姻像圣洁的圣餐一般,永远滋养你们的身心和精神。

31. 愿你们在此天主教的盛宴中感受到认识与相恋的甜蜜温馨时刻,并勇敢地通过圣餐、礼拜和与他人共同探讨,开启通往圣灵之路的难忘旅程。

32. 祷愿在新婚燃烧的激情中,愿你们的关系依然建立在信仰、尊重和理解的基础之上。

33. 愿你们的婚姻极致幸福,相约到永生。

34. 祷愿你们的婚姻热诚渴求天主,彼此宽容和爱,使你们在彼此接纳、理解和接受的同时,也接纳或拥有圣灵的同在。

35. 愿天主的祝福润泽你们,使你们的婚姻成为祝福的源泉。

36. 祷愿你们的婚姻生活充满善良、慈悲和慷慨,为其他人称道你们的行为和决心。

37. 愿你们在天主不倦的爱中,相互珍视给予道别的礼物,永远地执着于你们的婚姻。

38. 祈求你们的信仰和爱心能够成为每个人的榜样,共同建设一个更加美好的世界。

39. 愿你们的婚姻在天主和基督的守护下,彼此相爱、尊重、信任、支持,并一起享受人生的舞台。

40. 祈求天主教大家庭的主宰保佑你们,比天堂更美好地保佑你们圣洁的婚姻。

41. 愿你们的婚姻像教堂之门左右的影子一样,一起走好这段人生旅程,将爱灌注在每个需要的地方。

42. 祷愿你们的婚姻能够得到信徒的祝福,和教会的庇佑。

43. 愿你们的婚姻从天主那里寻求到幸福和满足,得到百分之百的一起遗传给其它人。

44. 祝贺你们在新婚的祝福下开始走向美好的人生之路,自信并积极地面对彼此未来的挑战。

45. 感谢天主给予你们在彼此成为夫妻的道路上的助力和引导,在你们婚姻生活中一直陪伴着你们。

46. 希望你们的婚姻能够成为慈悲之主的祝福,为他人带来微笑和快乐。

47. 祈求监护人赐予给你们的财富和健康能够充实你们的内心,相互之间爱的火焰此时已经燃起。

48. 希望你们的爱情能够在信仰中获得支持和信任,互相给予依靠和相助。

49. 愿你们的婚姻生活完美幸福,此刻薪火已经点燃,让它一直燃烧下去。

50. 祷愿你们的婚姻开启美好的新篇章,让爱心伴随你们走向永恒。