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时间:2018-01-15 09:33来源:座右铭 作者:在线人生 点击:
经典英文短诗歌 要短 要不是很难的 要好背的 经典 带翻译 快快快快啊...

织梦 DREAMING 问我的梦想是什么, 嘘,悄悄告诉你, 我要为所有的人, 织一个最美的梦。 What’s my fondest dream you query Shhh….Let me tell you secretly I want to weave, for everybody A dream of exquisite beauty 梦...


泰戈尔 的诗集。英文版很赞 >.< 爱尔兰的诗人叶芝的诗歌,充满了精灵与骑士,梦幻与美好。 诗人Thomas Hood (民谣体诗歌,最喜欢他的I remember,I remember) 诗人John Keats(低调的华丽,19世纪英国浪漫主义著名诗...


SAVE ME FROM MYSELF It's not so easy loving me 爱并不是什么简单事 It gets so complicated 它变的如此的复杂 All the things you gotta be 所有的事你都了解 Everything's changing 所有的事都发生了改变 But you're the ...


To- By Percy Bysshe Shelley One word is too often profaned For me to profan it, One feeling too falsely disdain'd For thee to disdain it; One hope is too like despair For prudence to smother, And pity


Fw: Agroupofprofessionalpeopleposedthisquestiontoagroupof4to8 year-olds,"Whatdoeslovemean?"Theanswerstheygotwerebroader : "...


TheInternationalChildren'sDay(ICD)iscelebratedinnumerouscountries,usually(butnotalways) TheICDhaditsoriginintheWorldConferencefortheWellbeingofChildreninGeneva,


A Grain of Sand William Blake To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild fllower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an <b


Fw: Sweet A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and ndeeper than anyone could have


The International Children's Day (ICD) is celebrated in numerous countries, usually (but not always) on June 1 each The ICD had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children i


祖国啊!这诗意的名字 弥漫着您的每一个季节 那是羽白色的鸽子 在蓝天下 唤醒了十月的第一个早晨 啊!祖国 我爱您爱得太深太久…… 十月啊!我的祖国 请赐给我一束火炬吧 我追随你的脚步 让每个梦境都滴着甜蜜 让所...